What the VIIth CIEC World Congress has demonstrated at a relatively small scale came once more into the focus in a prominent manner at the VIIIth CIEC World Congress held in 1976 in Moscow with the title “Fertilizer – Harvest – Nature”.
This congress was subdivided into 8 sections as follows:
– The theory of plant nutrition and world practice of effective fertilizer application (80 papers)
– Mechanization of fertilizer application (15 papers)
– Agrochemical services (10 papers)
– Chemization of agriculture and environment control (34 papers)
– Fertilizers and crop quality (68 papers)
– Economics of fertilizer production and application (23 papers)
– Production technology and agrochemical evaluation of new forms and types of fertilizers (36 papers)
– Atomic technique in chemization of agriculture (30 papers)
The 8th Congress of CIEC was one of the largest meetings of experts in the field of agriculture, agricultural science and industrial chemistry. About 3000 delegates – nearly half coming from foreign countries – attended the Congress, namely 1500 delegates from every continent. For the first time representatives from developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America attended a CIEC Congress, enriching the sphere of interests with their own contributions.
The scientific discussions on the role of fertilizers for higher plant production and better food quality became a real driving force-initiating and accelerating the manufacturing of mineral fertilizers in the Soviet Union.
Due to this very efficient congress the ensuing years were marked by a strong interest on the part of fertilizer companies of numerous European countries in membership of CIEC.