The 14th CIEC World Fertilizer Congress took place in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2006, enjoyed the gracious patronage offered by Her Royal Highness Princess Mara Chakri Sirindhorn. The Congress, jointly organized by CIEC and the Supporting Organizations from Thailand (Land Development Department, Department of Agriculture Extension, Kasetsart University, Soil and Water Conservation Society of Thailand, Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand) was attended by about 700 representatives of 35 countries under the theme "Fertilizers and Fertilization: Stewardship for Food Security, Food Quality, Environment and Nature Conservation". New valuable ideas and solutions were presented, enriching the global experience on the efficient use of all kind of fertilizers for ensuring food security and safety, as well as preserving soil fertility and environmental health.
The following symposia in Ghent (2007), Cairo (2008) and Rome (2009) went smooth, proving the high efficiency in conference organizing by a small group within the CIEC Presidium. The 18th CIEC Symposium, held in Rome, in November 2009 with the subject "More sustainability in agriculture: new fertilizers and fertilization management" demonstrated the solid anchorage of CIEC preoccupations in the reality of our time, taking into account the new challenges we are confronted with: global climate change, soil erosion and degradation, water resources diminishing, biodiversity reduction, as well as the necessary legislation regulating consumer's rights and environmental demands.